Love yourself, look into the mirror and no matter how you look, or where your past has been, you are someone special and important. You're put on this Earth for a reason, for a purpose, with unique talents and skills, and make the best use of it. That's how you make the greatest contribution to the world.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Something That I have Read Recently
"When I hear somebody sigh, 'Life is hard,' I am always tempted to ask, 'Compared to what'? - Sidney Harris
"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved... loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves." - Victor Hugo
"Customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interuption on our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an oursider on our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favour by serving him. He is doing us a favour by giving us an opportunity to do so."
Finally this last one...
First, I was dying to finish my high school and start college.
And then I was dying to finish college and start working.
Then I was dying to marry and have children.
And then I was dying for my children to grow old enough so I could go back to work.
But then I was dying to retire.
And now I am dying...
And suddenly I realized I forgot to live.
Please don't let this happen to you. Appreciate your current situation and enjoy each day old friend.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Fairness does not govern life & death. If it did, no good person would ever die young.
Why would people gather when others die? Why people feel they should? The human spirits knows, deep down, that all lives intersect.
Death doesn't just take someone, it misses someone else and in the small distance between being taken and being misses, lives are changed.
There is a balance to it all. One withers, another grows. Birth & death are part of a whole.
Strangers are just family you have yet come to know.
Holding anger is poison. It eats you from inside. We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. But hatred is a curved blade. And the harm we do, we do to ourselves.
Friday, November 11, 2011
What Are Your Emotions Telling You?
Ever wondered what your emotions are telling you? For me, I have never thought about it before. To me, an emotion was just an emotion that I am feeling at a point of time and nothing more than that.
When we feel angry it actually means that something/someone or whatever that is happening at that point of time when we experience the anger have cross the line.
I only came to know that emotions were actually telling us something that we are not consciously aware of.
When we feel angry it actually means that something/someone or whatever that is happening at that point of time when we experience the anger have cross the line.
When we feel sad it actually means that we feel a sense of loss.
Being aware of the reason behind your emotions could help you better understand and control your emotions. To feel less angry or sad, you have to redefine the boundries of what make you feel that someone/something have cross the line and your perspective towards how you define loss.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Personality Test
I enjoy taking personality test. Recently, I took a free test from &, it is not a comprehensive report, but it does tells you which temperament you fall under.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Jars To Wealth
There is a system that helps people better manage your money. It is called the jar system. There are 6 jars in total. Basically, after getting your salary, you are required to divide your money according to the percentages to each account below.
1st - Financial Freedom (10%)
This account is meant for retirement. This account is actually further divided into 3 parts. They are the Security and Growth.
Security > This is for you to tide over rainy days or emergency. You may called it the contingency funds if you like. You should have about 3 - 6 months of your income. The number of months required depends on your comfort level for security.
Growth > This is for you to grow your money so that you will be able to retire early.
2nd - Necessity (55%)
As the name suggest, this is for your basic needs.
3rd - Play (10%)
This should be the jar that most people will love most. Why? The money that goes into this jar is for you to spend on whatever you like. It could be on vacation or luxury items or hobbies.
4th - Education (10%)
This is for enriching yourself with knowledge. The thing is that I find that most people aren't really into education, if that is the case, you can simply remove this jar and split your 10% to your Play or Long Term Savings to Spend jar. The best will be to add it to your financial freedom jar. Then you can retire earlier. 
5th - Long Term Savings to Spend (10%)
This is more for big ticket item. It may be a car, a house, or maybe even a long vacation.
6th - Give (5%)
This is more for charity purpose. Some people will also take away this jar. If that is the case, you can just put the 5% to some other jars. 
By splitting your money this way, you will definitely save money. The important thing is to always put money into your Financial Freedom jar right after you get your paycheck.
Happy saving! 
Friday, September 9, 2011
3 Tips For Proper Food Combination
1. Eat fruit only by itself. Eat fruit either 20 minutes before you eat or several hours after you eat.
2. Do not combine proteins and starches as they are not compatible. Proteins require a more acid environment and starches require a more alkaline environment.
3. Eat 70-80% high water content, live, raw foods.
2. Do not combine proteins and starches as they are not compatible. Proteins require a more acid environment and starches require a more alkaline environment.
3. Eat 70-80% high water content, live, raw foods.
Friday, August 12, 2011
The Habits Of Highly INEFFECTIVE People
1. Not showing up.
One of the things you can do to ensure more success in your life is simply to show up more.
If you want to improve your health then one of the most important and effective things you can do is just to show up at the gym every time you should be there.
The weather might be bad, you might not feel like going and you find yourself having all these other things you just must do. If you still go, if you show up at the gym when motivation is low you will improve a whole lot faster than if you just stayed at home lying around.
I think this applies to most areas of life. If you write or do anything more, each day perhaps, you will improve quickly. If you get out more you can meet more new friends. If you go on more dates you chances of meeting someone special increases. Just showing up more can really make a big difference.
2. Procrastinating half the day.
Do the most important thing first. What this means is simply to do the hardest and most important task of the day first thing in the morning. A good start in the morning lifts your spirits and creates a positive momentum for the rest of the day.
Take small bites. Don't try to take one big bite. It becomes overwhelming which leads to procrastination. Split a task into small actionable steps. Then just focus on the first step and nothing else. Just do that one until it's done. Then move on to the next step.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Knowing Your (Trading) Limits
Before you begin a trade, you should have an idea of where you need to cut loss. Let's say you have $100,000 cash and you wanted to buy a stock priced at $1.00. Suppose that the cut loss for that stock is at $0.90. The potential loss is $0.10 (1.00 - 0.90). Since 2% of your equity of $100,000 is $2,000, you can at most lose $2,000 on any trade. We can thus calculate backwards to determine the position sizing of this particular trade in order to limit the loss to a maximum of $2,000. We'll take $2,000 divided by the potential loss of $0.10, and we get 20,000 shares, or 20 lots.
So if you buy 20 lots of the stock at $1.00 and if the price drops by 10% (0.1/1.00), the loss is just limited to $2,000, which is just 2% of our total equity. By following strictly to the 2% rule, you will prevent any one trade from wiping you out. In fact, you'll need 50 such trades before your whole capital is wiped out. Unless you un-wisely choose to enter 50 positions in one go.
Variables will be the number of lots and the percentage of price drops. The absolute amount ($2,000) will be contstant.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
How Do You Know What Your Core Values Are?
To help you understand the values you believe in, look at the people you respect. Who are the people you look up to? Why? What qualities do you admire in them?
Just write it down. Now, on your piece of paper you have just identified the traits or characters that you admire and and therefore value. These are your core values that you subconsciously cherish and give weight to.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Journal Your Feelings & Thoughts
From time to time, you may feel upset, angry or disturbed by some events in your life. It is useful for you to be aware of the reason that is causing you to feel the way you feel. You will know yourself better too.
A journal will be able to help you with this. There are four steps that you should do while writing your journal.
Step 1: Write only the facts about the event (no interpretations).
Step 2: Write down how you felt.
Step 3: Write down the perceptions that made you feel that way. (What were you saying to yourselfs that caused the emotions?)
Step 4: What would have been a better or more useful perception to have at the time?
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Don't Give Up
As a child we all have dreams but somehow along the way we lost sight of it. Many of us gave up on our dreams or simply stop believing in it and hide it somewhere till we forgot about it.
Why? What happen along the way?
Well we somehow got demoralised and ...
You may have hear this - "Don't give up on your dreams!" - numerous times.
Don't get demoralised, don't think that you can't do what other people can. You shouldn't underestimate your potential.
Friday, July 8, 2011
What You Wish You Had Known
Have you ever caught yourself saying, how I wish I had known this earlier or how I wish someone have told me earlier?
What I really hope or wish to know when I am in high school but I didn't is…
What do I want to do with my life or what do I want do in the future?
In my personal point of view this is a very important question to ask yourself.You will find that people are always asking you this, so you think you are supposed to have an answer. But adults ask this mainly as a conversation starter. They want to know what sort of person you are, and this question is just to get you talking.
If I were back in high school and someone asked about my plans. I will say that it is to learn what the options were.
What you must do is to discover what you like. This is important because if you want to be good at what you do, you have to like what you are doing. It might seem that nothing would be easier than deciding what you like, but you will be surprise to find out that it is not as easy as you think, partly because it is hard to get an accurate picture of most jobs. What we think it is, may not be what it really is. To have a clear picture, be in it or ask the people that is already doing it.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Getting More From Your Sleep

Below are the ways to get more sleep:
1. Wind down. Give yourself 30 minutes to relax before going to bed. You can read a book, listen to music or write your journal.
2. Clear your mind (from your mental to-do list). Write down your list of unfinished tasks and unresolved issues before going to bed. Knowing that you have put it down on paper, you will be less worried for not remembering what you have to do the following day. This frees up your mental space and allows you to sleep more peacefully.
3. Go to bed earlier. Set yourself a bedtime and stick to it. If your usual sleeping time is 1am, you may want to adjust slowly by heading to bed at 1230am instead. Continue to adjust your sleeping bedtime until you reach your target.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Reason Why Child Is Unmotivated (With Homework)

Some child have a larger problem than just being unmotivated. The child may appear to be unmotivated, but this may just be a mask to a larger issue. The child may be avoiding homework to protect their egos. Yes, even child have egos.
What do I mean when I say protecting egos by avoiding homework?
Because these children erroneously equate failure with stupidity. Their logic is as follows... If they try and fail, it is a reflection of their intelligence. If they don’t try and fail, it is not a reflection of their intelligence. It is due to lack of motivation or irresponsibility.
For many, it is easier to live with the label "lazy" rather than with the label "stupid". Who will want to be label as being dumb?!
So parents out there, please stop using the words stupid/dumb/pig or any other negative words on your precious child. It will lower their self-esteem, leading to poorer performance in all areas of life and eventually affecting their adulthood. I believe it is never your intention to create such harm. Just that you didn't realise how your words can influence your child and people so greatly.
Next time, when you see that your child is "unmotivated", encourage your child by saying he/she is smart/great and you are confident that he/she can complete the task. Help your child along with encouraging words and actions.
Enjoy parenting. =)
Sunday, July 3, 2011
How Do You Choose The Career That's Best For You?
Truth be told, we all have different talents, skills, interests, experiences and expectations. So what the other person loves doing may not be what you will love to do. So here comes the big question, how do you choose the career that is best for you?
Well, here is what you should consider...
What are your natural talents?
All of us have natural talents within us. Certain things comes really easily to one and not to others. For example, some are very good at making friends while not others. The point is when we use our natural talents, we go into this "flow" state, where time moves so quickly and we just enjoy doing it. Knowing what your natural talents are is key to choosing the right career.
Of course there are many more than just this. Afterall, we are capable of doing many other things, however, it may mean that we will require more energy (effort) perfoming the task.
Well, here is what you should consider...
What are your natural talents?
All of us have natural talents within us. Certain things comes really easily to one and not to others. For example, some are very good at making friends while not others. The point is when we use our natural talents, we go into this "flow" state, where time moves so quickly and we just enjoy doing it. Knowing what your natural talents are is key to choosing the right career.
Of course there are many more than just this. Afterall, we are capable of doing many other things, however, it may mean that we will require more energy (effort) perfoming the task.
Journey To Finding The Career You Love

Sooner or later, if you do not feel fulfilled in your job, you will eventually feel unhappy.
So what can you do?
The thing is to find the career that you want to be in. So that you will not feel like you are just working purely for the money.
This leads to the next question. What career do I want to be in? Matter of fact, most of us do not know what we really want to do for a career.
Then how?
Start on a journey to discover what will make you energise and engage.
Well, I personally suggest that you take up this ongoing habit of asking this two questions (when you are in your job):
1. What do I love about this?
2. What do I dislike about this?
It's not what you love, it's why you love it.

Slowly, you will start to find out more about yourself and the career path that you should and will want to go into. You can also ask people that is in the line to share more about their job. Chances are you will gain lots of insight from it. =)
Pick the one that feels best, that will light you up, that you will look foward to everyday. The best part? You will be better at what you do since you love it, and you will never feel like you are working. All the best in your journey! ^_^
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